Oud Amber is a recognized name in the field of whole sale & retail for OUD (Agar wood / Gaharu), Dehn Oud & natural based non alcoholic oriental PERFUMES with its exclusive qualities.
OudMiracle, is the only registered trade mark BRAND for Oud, the natural miracle fragrance of the natural forest.
Our custom made perfume sprays are made with percentage of perfumes of eau de parfum category to make sure of reasonably sustainable result.
Our special blends of long lasting basic perfumes (non-alcoholic), fully concentrated made for sustainable fragrance result.
Natural Oud blended incense. Known as; Oud Muatter, Mabsoos, Bakhoor, Dukhun, Ma'amul etc.
Oud Amber provides premium oud products with mild & soft natural essence.
Our perfumes are originated from France, Switzerland, Holland, Spain, Dubai UAE, India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia & Malaysia.
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